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Sample Academic Publications and Outputs

Jacob, J. U. (2023). Cognitive Third Force: The Case for Building a Supranational Public Opinion to Enhance the UN’s Moral Influence. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 29(3), 259-269.


Aryaeinejad, K., Reed A., Heywood E., & Jacob, J.U. (Eds.) (2023). Researching Violent Extremism: Considerations, Reflections, and Perspectives. RESOLVE Network, Washington DC. 


Jacob, J.U. & Rizvi, W. R. (2022). 'Beyond Grades: Advancing Global Learning through Personal and Social Responsibility'. In: D. Johnston & I. Lopez (eds) Wiley Handbook for Collaborative Online Learning and Global Engagement. Wiley, NY.


Jacob, J.U. (2021). 'Countermeasures to Extremist Propaganda:  a strategy for countering absolutist religious beliefs in northeast Nigeria'. In: G. Rawnley, Y. Ma, & K. Pothong (eds.) Research Handbook on Political Propaganda. Edward Elgar, London.


Jacob, J.U. (2021). 'Outsourcing Public Diplomacy Operations: Neoliberalism and the Communications of the United Nations since the End of the Cold War'.  In: Alexander, C. (ed.) The Frontiers of Public Diplomacy: Hegemony, Morality and Power in the International Sphere (1st ed.). Routledge, London.


Jacob, J.U. & Pukallus S. (2020). A white paper on the draft revised Public Information and Strategic Communication Module 4.60 of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards. The UN’s Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions. July 22.


Jacob, J.U., Ensign M. (2020). Transactional Radio Instruction: Improving Educational Outcomes for Children in Conflict Zones. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Jacob J.U. (2019). 'Communitarianism, Ethics and the Burden of Journalistic Objectivity: Reflections of “Peace Journalists” Covering the Boko Haram Insurgency'. In: Shaw I., Selvarajah S. (eds) Reporting Human Rights, Conflicts, and Peacebuilding. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Pape, Utz Johann; Sharma, Ambika; Nezam, Taies; Petrini, Benjamin; Ebrahim, Menaal Fatima; Jacob, J.U.; Appler, Felix Konstantin; Woodhouse, Andrea Fitri; Phipps-Ebeler, Verena; Meckelburg, Alexander Benjamin; Iqbal, Syedah Aroob. (2019). Using Micro-Data to Inform Durable Solutions for IDPs. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. 


Jacob, J.U. (2018). 'The War has just begun: Boko Haram and the Coming Diffusion of Terror in Nigeria'. In: Dilegge, D. & Bunker, R.J. (eds) Hammer of the Caliphate: The Territorial Demise of the Islamic State (A Small Wars Journal Anthology). Small Wars Journal Foundation, McLean, VA.


Jacob, J.U. (2018). Women and the War on Boko Haram: Wives, Weapons, Witnesses by Hilary Matfess. Politics, Religion & Ideology, Vol 19:3, 418-420


Jacob, J.U. (2017). ‘Cultural Approaches to Soft Power’. In: Chitty N., Hayden C., Ji L. & Rawnsley G. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Soft Power. Routledge, London.


Jacob, J.U. (2017). Convincing Rebel Fighters to Disarm: UN Information Operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. De Gruyter, Berlin. 


Jacob, J.U. (2017). Owning God: An Identity-based View of Violent Extremism. Global Peace Operations Review. July 13.


Jacob, J.U. (2017). The War has just begun: Boko Haram and the Coming Diffusion of Terror in Nigeria.  Small Wars Journal. March 10.


Jacob, J.U., Abia-Bassey M., Nkanga. E., Aliyu, A. (2016). Narratives of Displacement: Conversations with Boko Haram Displaced Persons in Northeast Nigeria. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. Vol 20, No. 2 

Jacob, J.U. (2016). Target Gutahuka: The UN’s Strategic Information Intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Media and Communication. Vol 4: 2, pp 104-119.


Jacob, J. U. (2016). Michika: Peace & Reconciliation [Documentary Film]. Nigeria: Communications & Multimedia Design Program, American University of Nigeria.


Jacob, J.U. (2016). Handbook of Peace Journalism: A Training Manual. American University of Nigeria & US Embassy in Abuja.


Jacob, J.U. (2016). Telling Stories of Peace and Reconciliation in North-East Nigeria. Report on the US Embassy-AUN Peace Journalism Project. 


Jacob, J.U. & Akpan, I., (2015). Silencing Boko Haram: Mobile Phone Blackout and Counterinsurgency in Nigeria’s Northeast region. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development. 4(1), pp1-17. 8.


Jacob, J.U. (2015). ‘Influencing the Information Domain: The UN’s Information Intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo’. In: Mano W. (Ed.) Racism, Ethnicity and the Media in Africa. I.B.Tauris, London.


Jacob, J.U. (2014). Transforming Conflicts with Information: Impacts of UN Peace Radio programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo. War & Society. Vol. 33, No 4.


Jacob, J.U. (2013). Energizing Visual Cultures: Sociotechnical Processes to achieve customer engagement and behaviour change. Metering International. Issue 4, pp 36- 39.


Macdonald, I.W. and Jacob, J.U. (2011). Lost and gone forever? The search for early British screenplays. Journal of Screenwriting. 2:2, pp. 161-177.


Forthcoming Publications (submitted and under review)
Flames of Peace: UN Influence Operations in support of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Combatants (Routledge


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